I write to serve military service members, veterans, military spouses.
I write to service teachers and students with a special focus on literature to INSPIRE and EDUCATE.
I write to serve aspiring entrepreneurs.
I write to showcase the positive contributions of Latino Americans in the USA.
2020: PRE-ORDER this innovative Marketing guidebook for a military service member, military veteran or military spouse in your life. Title is Brand Before Your Resume.
This is the first book written by a military veteran (turned marketing professional and entrepreneur) for service members and military veterans to craft their AUTHENTIC personal branding. It will be published in second half of 2020 by Gracefully Global Group LLC.
“Graciela, I have the job and I start in August with Intel! Thanks again for the help. Speaking with you really did help me get this job. I read out loud the ways to describe myself and they loved it. People need to hear you! No way you can nail your dream company without the info on branding you teach.” – Raul, U.S. Marine student veteran, Class of 2021, PSU
Bilingual Captain Mama book series - inspired by my military aviation service
On the heels of four-time award-winning series debut title Good Night Captain Mama/ Buenas Noches Capitán Mamá, I'm proud to announce that my second book in the series. Captain Mama’s Surprise/ La Sorpresa de Capitán Mamá (ISBN: 978-0-9973090-0-3) won a Gold Medal from the Military Writers Society of America in 2019.
Order your hardcover copy signed to the child/children of your choice from the Gracefully Global publisher store HERE.
You can support LOCAL bookstores by ordering both Captain Mama books from the "anti-Amazon" -B Corps Bookshop here and at Amazon if you must. Institutional buyers can purchase from distributors Mackin, Baker & Taylor, Brodart, Follet and others.
This book was honored as 1st Place winner, 2016 International Latino Book Awards in the “Most Inspirational Children’s Picture Book” category! Read my military bio here.


Other awards detailed here.
As the American green economy picks up momentum, what industries are being transformed for long-term sustainability? What opportunities await you as you begin your business career or your career transition? Which businesses are leading the transformation? What role is the Latino business community playing in this transformation and how can you join them? Who will be growing and hiring for years to come? How can you best position yourself to join the great green American wave?
You will read about:
- Industry transformations and success stories of sustainable businesses
- Who is creating long-term solutions for our new sustainable, green economy
- How Latinos are applying their hard work, talent, education, innovative thinking, culturally-engrained environmental advocacy, and creative spirit to improve America for all Americans
--------- ANTHOLOGIES to which I contributed -----------

When I Was There: Life at Berkeley 1960-2010
(Published May 2010. An Anthology of Alumni Authors)
From the 1960s to the 21st century, this anthology contains personal stories of life as a Cal student: heart-warming, heart wrenching, and humorous. Incoming freshman, students, and alumni get to see Cal as it was and as it is today. Written entirely by Cal alumni authors, part-nostalgic, part-pride, and part wonderment, When I Was There celebrates the many facets of the UC Berkeley experience. (Note: My essay begins with "Ever wonder what the inside of the Stanford tree smells like?" It's titled "Inhaling the Stanford Tree" and yes, it's based on a true story of the "borrowing" of the tree one spring day......)